New Book in Johns Hopkins University Press Series in Health Communication

I’m thrilled that Christa Teston’s new book, Doing Dignity: Ethical…

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The Department of Communication at the University of Utah was…

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Public Address Conference

What a pleasure it was to be a part of…

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RSA 2024

The Rhetoric Society of America Conference took place in Denver…

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Olivia Webster graduates with her Master’s Degree in Communication!

This past week was a huge one for the amazing…

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Congratulations to Dr. Kourtney Maison!

This week Kourtney Maison successfully defended her dissertation entitled, Unruly…

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End-of-the-Year Research Team Meeting

Our research team met last Friday to begin mapping out…

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Dr. Raquel M. Robvais wins ACLS Fellowship!

My wonderful friend, Dr. Raquel M. Robvais, was just announced…

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Archival Gems: Sylvia Plath’s Typewriter

During my visit to Smith College, the Special Collections was…

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Smith College Libraries: The Spring Break Edition

This spring break, I took a variety of planes, trains,…

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Last week I was quoted in this really compelling Science…

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NCA’s Golden Monograph Award

This past fall I was so excited to receive the…

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Olivia begins the new year doing excellent community-based, health communication research

Lots of fantastic projects are on the agenda for M.A.…

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Dr. Madison Krall wins the OSCLG Dissertation Award

Please check out this article featured in The Setonian about…

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Women & Language Forum + OSCLG Conference

Last spring, my wonderful graduate student, Gia Almuaili, and I…

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Fall at the U of Utah: College of Humanities Distinguished Scholar Award

Earlier this fall, I was honored to be named Distinguished…

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New Advisee Olivia Webster’s Successful Program of Study Defense

My newest advisee, Olivia Webster, successfully (more than) passed her…

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Research Meeting

On September 1st, I met with a group of awesome…

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Awesome New Advisee: Gabby Garza

I’m thrilled to introduce Gabby Garza as a new PhD…

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Summer Research is My Favorite Type of Research

Cheers to blue skies and piles of amazing books!

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Mentoring Breakfast at Old Cuss Coffee Co.

My faculty mentee this year is the amazing Dr. Andy…

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Grad School Days and 75th Anniversary Talks at UIUC

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit…

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New Article Published in the American Journal of Public Health

My new article on Dr. Hannah Mayer Stone’s work to…

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Meeting with Dr. Aimee Roundtree

Our Rhetoric of Science seminar had the wonderful opportunity last…

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St. Patty’s Day Chemical Rhetoric Group Coding Meeting

A subset of the Chemical Rhetoric Group has been working…

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Finding Science in the Special Collections

This week, members of our Rhetoric of Science graduate seminar…

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Sundance Film Festival 2023

The Sundance Film Festival was back to in-person business this…

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Dr. Amanda Boyd’s Research on Health Inequities and Community Participatory Research

The University of Utah has been such a hotspot for…

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Dr. Leandra Hernandez’s Upcoming Colloquium

This week I’m looking forward to Dr. Hernandez’s colloquium talk…

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RSQ’s Special Issue on “Global Black Rhetorics” is Published

I’m thrilled to report that Rhetoric Society Quarterly‘s special issue…

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Dr. Madison Krall helps on move-in day at Seton Hall University

In her first few days on the job as an…

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Gia Almuaili joins the Chemical Rhetoric Group

I’m so pleased to announce that Gia Almuaili has joined…

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The Chemical Rhetoric Group’s Newest Publication

Our team’s newest publication is hot off the presses at…

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New Fall Course

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Essay on shifts in gynecological “vision” published in the Quarterly Journal of Speech

I’m really excited that an essay coming from my time…

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Dr. Melissa Carrion quoted in the New York Times

Dr. Melissa Carrion, my fantastic former advisee who is now…

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Graduation 2022

Our department was so excited to graduate an amazing group…

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National Science Foundation Workshop on Inclusive Language in STEM

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel to San…

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Introducing Dr. Madison Krall, in-coming Assistant Professor of Communication at Seton Hall University!

Several weeks ago, Madison entered a Zoom room with her…

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(Some of the) Cats of Chemical Rhetoric

The great thing about Zoom meetings is that you sometimes…

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Me, my mom, and another baby, circa 1980

Whenever I teach feminist communication and history, I can’t help…

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Achival Gems: Zines and more from the Marriott Library Special Collections

Students from my COMM 5950 class on strategic feminist communication…

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Gotta start somewhere . . .

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Teaching Classes on Science, Health, and Environmental Communication, and on Feminist Communication in U.S. History

For the Spring 2020 semester, I’m teaching COMM 3115: Communicating…

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End-of-the-semester post-it take-over

My planner is one that goes for five years, so…

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Madison is Elected Secretary of ARSTM at NCA 2021

At the National Communication Association Conference in November, Madison Krall…

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Dr. Melissa Parks accepts Faculty Position at Drexel University

Starting in January, Melissa will begin her new position on…

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Dow’s “Know More in ’74” inclusion and diversity campaign at NCA 2021

The 2021 National Communication Association Conference was held in November…

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Defenses, Defenses, Kourtney Maison and Ashleigh McDonald Pass Their Defenses!

This fall has been a very successful one in terms…

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To the Marriott Library Special Collections we go

Over the past two weeks or so, both my undergraduate…

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Trip to the Utah State Archives

Last Friday, the students in my “Rhetoric in the Archives”…

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Archival Gems: CRG publishes in Public Understanding of Science

In a new publication headed by Madison Krall, the Chemical…

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Rhetoric Society Quarterly’s Recent Special Issues

As the Associate Editor for Special Issues, I have had…

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Project Back-to-Campus/Teaching In-Person

After working-from-home for a year and a half, this semester…

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Madison Krall Takes Part in the 2021 Doctoral Honors Seminar

From July 14th to July 16th of this year, Madison…

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The Chemical Rhetoric Group has a Pseudo-In-Person Meeting

Earlier this week, we gathered as many of our group…

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Theorizing Chemical Rhetoric in the Journal of Communication

My new article, “Theorizing Chemical Rhetoric: Toward an Articulation of…

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Archival Gems: Remembering Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi

I found this little gem a few years back at…

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Drs. Parks and Cullinan Earn Top Paper Award

Megan and Melissa learned recently that their paper, “Art-as-Pedagogy for…

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Exclusive Chemical Rhetoric Group Zoom Party

At the end of April, we had a Chemical Rhetoric…

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Madison Krall named a Steffensen-Cannon Fellow for the 2nd year in a row

This past spring, Madison learned that she was awarded a…

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Dr. Benjamin Mann accepts Assistant Professor position at Eastern Oregon University

Starting this coming fall, Ben will join the faculty at…

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Dr. Melissa Parks’ research highlighted in NCA’s Communication Currents

Melissa’s Text and Performance Quarterly essay, “Ecocultural adjustment: Revisiting acculturation…

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Searching for Chemical Landmarks–a visual history and new publication in the journal, Science Communication

The journal Science Communication recently published our article “Strategic Place-Making…

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Megan and Rio’s Ghost House Adventures

Dr. Megan Cullinan (Chemical Rhetoric Group Member; Faculty at Merrimack…

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Humanities Radio

Last week, Jana Cunningham interviewed me for the new University…

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You know you study communication when . . .

you see this cross stitch pattern and think it is…

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Winter Adventures in Utah

Utah always provides opportunities for fun and a break from…

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Celebrating the Elements (and Coding) on Zoom

Last week, members of the Chemical Rhetoric Group met via…

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A Zoom Hat Party

Last week, the Chemical Rhetoric Group convened via Zoom for…

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Blast from my TA-past

I received a surprise email from my former professor, Dr.…

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Madison Krall presents top paper at NCA 2020

Madison Krall’s paper was featured on the Top Student Papers…

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Dr. Mann presents a Top Paper at NCA 2020

Ben’s paper, “Theorizing Intersectional Stigma Management Communication at the Crossroads:…

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Tea-ing in the New Year

I have always liked tea, but the pandemic and lots…

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ARSTM Article of the Year Award

The Chemical Rhetoric group was incredibly honored this year to…

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Another Parks Dissertation Award!

Dr. Melissa Parks won the 2020 Dissertation Award in Environmental…

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(Virtual) Keynote Address for Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science’s 5th Annual Women in Science and Healthcare (WiSH) Symposium

On September 10, 2020, I was honored to give the…

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Dr. Benjamin Mann accepts Post-doc position at Dixie State University

This fall, Dr. Benjamin Mann began a new position as…

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Dr. Melissa Parks accepts Post-doc position at University of CA, Santa Barbara

This fall, Dr. Melissa Parks began her tenure as a…

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Madison Krall Wins 2020-2021 Steffensen Cannon Fellowship

Last spring, Madison learned that she had been awarded a…

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Research Collaboration with Dr. Manusheela Pokharel

Dr. Pokharel and I have been busy doing research on…

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National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship

At the beginning of the year, I learned that I…

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Chemical Rhetoric in a Pandemic

These past months have been strange and scary in so…

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Dr. Melissa M. Parks

In the spring semester, Melissa defended her dissertation successfully and…

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Spring Break Work Day

Right before everything shut down for the COVID-19 pandemic, the…

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The Chemical Rhetoric Group Goes to Sundance Film Festival–the 2020 edition

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Melissa Parks is a Tanner Humanities Center Graduate Fellow!

Last spring, Melissa Parks was named a Tanner Humanities Center…

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Melissa M. Parks Publishes an Article in Nature + Culture!

Check out Melissa’s newest publication in Nature + Culture, “Explicating…

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Dr. Benjamin W. Mann

You can call him Dr. Mann! In mid-December, Benjamin Mann…

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NCA 2019 Conference in Baltimore, MD

We had a grand showing at this year’s NCA! Melissa…

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The Chemical Rhetoric Group publishes its study on “brain chemistry” and medicalizing news coverage!

We are excited that our article, “Medicalization’s Communicative Infrastructure: Seventy…

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The Chemical Rhetoric Group’s Article on Rosalind Franklin is hot off the press!

Our article, “Mapping Nature’s Scientist: The Posthumous Demarcation of Rosalind…

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Melissa M. Parks wins the Benson-Campbell Dissertation Research Award!

Melissa has been recognized with the 2019 Benson-Campbell Dissertation Award…

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Benjamin W. Mann is selected to attend the 2019 Doctoral Honors Seminar!

Last July, Ben traveled to the University of South Florida…

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Madison A. Krall wins a Rhetoric Society of America Institute Graduate Development Grant!

This summer, Madison won an RSA Institute Graduate Development Award…

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National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend

Last spring I was awarded a Summer Stipend from the…

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The 2019 Alta Argumentation Conference

The University of Utah local-host team did a bang-up job…

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Melissa Parks Heads to the Taft-Nicholson Center for the 2019 Summer Season

For the second year in a row, Melissa Parks has…

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Madison Krall and Robin Jensen take part in RSA’s “Medical Rhetoric in the Archives” Seminar

In the beginning of June, Madison and Robin headed to…

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Melissa Parks Participates in the 2019 Rhetoric Society of America Project

From May 20-23, Melissa Parks joined with other scholars and…

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A trip to the Harvard Archives

In mid-May I hopped a plane to Boston and made…

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Benjamin Mann presented on Chemical Rhetoric at ICA 2019 in D.C.

Registration was popping, as was the audience that gathered to…

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End-of-the-Year Workday

We had a great day-long writing retreat over finals week…

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Department Par-tay

The Department of Communication at the University of Utah gathered…

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Maya Kobe-Rundio Wins the College of Humanities Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award!

Senior honors student Maya Kobe-Rundio will graduate this spring with…

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Benjamin W. Mann Wins an NIH-Funded UCEER Fellowship!

Benjamin Mann recently learned that he has been awarded an…

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Chemical Rhetoric Goes to Wicked!

Madison and I hit the Eccles Theater here in Salt…

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Five Questions with Me: The National Communication Association Spectra Edition

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Winter Break Writing Retreat 2019–Chemical Rhetoric Takes on Public Libraries in Salt Lake City

Right before heading into the spring semester, we braved the…

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Rhetoric of Science Seminar: Spring 2019

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Chemical Rhetoric Takes on Friday Night

Last Friday night, Melissa Parks, Madison Krall, and Emily Krebs…

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Benjamin Mann publishes an article in Communication, Culture & Critique!

Benjamin Mann published his article “Rhetoric of online disability activism:…

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2018 NCA Conference Brings Many Top Paper Recognitions for Current and Former Students!

My current and former students are amazing! At the 2018…

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Park City Writing Retreat 2018

Scenes from our 2018 Park City Writing Retreat!  Benjamin Mann,…

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Celebrating Dr. Celeste Condit and Reproductive Justice at the Public Address Conference

  What fun it was to meet up with some…

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The Art of Science Communication

On September 26, 2018, I spoke in Denver, CO on…

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Teaching COMM 3115: Communicating Science, Health, and the Environment

The sneaky and awesome Emily Krebs caught me teaching my…

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Maya Kobe-Rundio is Named the Tanner Humanities Center Undergraduate Research Fellow

The amazing honors undergraduate student that I’m mentoring, Maya Kobe-Rundio,…

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Melissa Parks Serves as a Fellow at the Taft-Nicholson Environmental Humanities Education Center

This past spring, Melissa Parks was named the inaugural field…

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NCA 2018 Health Communication Preconference

See below for information about the program, “Welcome to the…

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Science History Institute Museum

The Museum inside the Science History Institute is open to…

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Sites in Old Town Philadelphia

I loved wandering around Old Town. Above is an installation…

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Trip to the Science History Institute in Philadelphia

Earlier this year, I won a travel grant to visit…

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Medical Rhetoric in the Archives–a 2019 RSA Summer Seminar

Next summer, the amazing Jordynn Jack and I will be…

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Health Rhetoric and Social Justice 2018

On September 27, 2018 at the CU Boulder campus I’ll…

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My Favorite Source for Finding Great Books to Read

By the Book If only all book reviews were written…

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Benjamin Mann heads to the Rhetoric Society of America Conference in Minneapolis

Ben presented two papers in the City of Lakes, and…

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The first issue of the new journal, Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, is hot off the press!

Click here to check out the issue’s compelling introduction by…

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Book Riot’s 100 Must-Read Books About the History of Medicine

Check out number #56–woot, woot!

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I was interviewed for two podcasts that focus on reproductive health and infertility

The first is called Waiting for Babies, and you can…

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The Chemical Rhetoric Group Goes to Riverdance!

Melissa Parks and I attended a Riverdance 20th Anniversary Tour…

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The ART of Infertility and One More Shot film screening

The ART of Infertility art exhibit visited Salt Lake City…

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Ben Mann publishes two articles!

Chemical Rhetoric Group member and Ph.D. student Benjamin W. Mann…

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Madison Krall Throws Her Hat With Mary Tyler Moore!

Over the holiday break, Madison Krall found her way to…

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Review of Infertility is Published in Bulletin of the History of Medicine

Richardson_2017_Review of Infertility_Bulletin of the History of Medicine The author…

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Anyone Else Compulsively Take Photos of Their Completed To-Do Lists?

No?  Just me then?

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Maud May Babcock Plaque Featured in Downtown SLC

Founder of the Department of Speech at the University of…

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Presenting Blake Scott with the Health Communication Division’s Distinguished Book Award at NCA 2017!

I had the great honor of presenting Blake Scott with…

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Winter Break Reading

All of these are outstanding. Two of them I bought…

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The 2017 Winans-Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Public Address

Posing, above, with all of the 2017 awardees (including two…

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More Scenes from Our Fall Writing Retreat

Madison kept smiling under a pile of articles. We caught…

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2017 Park City Writing Retreat Preview

At the beginning of this week, the Chemical Rhetoric Group…

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Keynote Address at the 2017 Rhetoric of Health and Medicine Symposium

Last week I headed to the University of Cincinnati for…

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The 2017 Alta Argumentation Conference at Snowbird Resort is in the Books!

Professor Robert Asen gave the keynote address entitled, “Disavowing networks,…

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Chemical Rhetoric has some great summer lab meetings!

Kourtney Maison, Ben Mann, Melissa Parks, and I brainstormed and…

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The Conference Schedule is Up for the Alta Argumentation Conference, July 20-23 I can’t wait to see you there!!

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Robin with an E

I found this article today where the author writes that…

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Chemical Rhetoric goes to ICA in San Diego

The International Communication Association Conference in San Diego included fun,…

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Dr. Cara Finnegan wins the Rhetorical and Communication Theory Faculty Mentorship Award!!

Here Dr. Cara Finnegan–winner of the 2017 Rhetorical and Communication…

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Chemical Rhetoric Group introduces new logos


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Melissa Parks and Allison Blumling enjoy opening night at Sundance Film Festival

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New book published!

  In 2016, I published my second book, Infertility: Tracing…

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Book 2 – Almost Done

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2015 New Investigator Award at NCA

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The 2015 Karl Wallace Memorial Award

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Top Paper in Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine at NCA

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2015 NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar: Faculty Mentor in the Rhetoric Group

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Virgil D. Aldrich Faculty Fellowship

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The incredible Angela Ray visits Utah as the B. Aubrey Fischer Memorial Lecturer

Dr. Ray’s engaging B. Aubrey Fisher Memorial Lecture was entitled…

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Rhetoric Writing Retreat 2014

In October 2014, I hosted a rhetoric writing retreat in…

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The 2014 Canyon Social

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Dinner at NCA


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2014 URC Faculty Fellowship

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Attending the Dale E. Brashers Mini-Poster Session at NCA

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Utah Rhetoric Films a Music Video


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Illinois Rhetoric Alums in a Photobooth

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Top Paper in Public Address at NCA

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Enhancing Research in the Humanities and Arts Grant ($30,000)

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First book published!

In 2010, I published Dirty Words: The Rhetoric of Public…

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Transcendent Persona Research featured in Communication Theory

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On CBS Sunday Morning talking about Amelia Earhart

CBS Sunday Morning Segment on Amelia Earhart (2009)

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At the Health Communication Conference in China


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Summers in Red Lodge, MT

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Celebrating a great seminar with hats

  Following a wonderful seminar on rhetorical history, one of…

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Research grant to fund interviews with sex educators

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The 2007 Wrage-Baskerville Award in Public Address

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RSA in Memphis

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2001 AFA-NIET: Ryan, Robin, and Jake

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