USA Today discusses our team’s research on sex education and fertility information

Our research team (consisting of me, Dr. Madison Krall, Gabrielle Yvonne Garza, Jasmine Aguilar Lopez, and Miya Jordan) recently published a research article in the American Journal of Sexuality Education. This past week the research was discussed in USA Today, and we are thrilled that our findings are being circulated to a larger audience. You can read this article by Adrianna Rodrigues here: “Should teens be learning about fertility in sex-ed? Some experts say yes.”

You can read our academic article published in AJSE here: “Talking About fertility in sex-education Class: STIs, substance use, and reproductive technology as grounds for discussion.” We based our findings on 32 interviews we did with sex-educators from two different states (one state with an abstinence-based mandated curriculum, and one state with a comprehensive mandated curriculum). Our goal was to assess if and how fertility is discussed in the sex education classroom, and we learned so much from talking with these very hard-working teachers. Our research will continue in this area.